The covid 19 is a respiratory disease that affects the normal breathing system of an individual. The disease has emerged as a pandemic in the year 2020. It has seen to affect alot of individuals and nature itself. From social to economic, the pandemic has caused much changes. It has really affected the world's economy causing a lot of individual and company to lose their profits and experience lose.
In the case of nature, the pandemic has also brought positive and negative effects.c Ecosystems in nature function similarly to the human body: When they are robust and healthy — which means they have diverse species and space for healthy animal populations — they are less likely to be sources of disease. As the global wildlife trade persists and human activities expand deeper into tropical forests, humans are increasing their exposure to wild animals and the diseases they may carry. When mining and logging degrade or destroy wildlife habitats, animals are forced into different or smaller areas and are more likely to become stressed or sick. They are also more likely to come into contact with people and domestic animals, driving the transmission of disease from wildlife to humans. We know that wildlife species threatened by exploitation or habitat loss are more likely to be sources of disease, and new research suggests that outbreaks of animal-borne illness will become more frequent due to the accelerating destruction of nature.

Covid 19 and nature

There is a misperception that nature is “getting a break” from humans during the COVID-19 pandemic. Instead, many rural areas in the tropics are facing increased pressure from land grabbing, deforestation, illegal mining and wildlife poaching. People who have lost their employment in cities are returning to their rural homes, further increasing the pressure on natural resources while also increasing the risk of COVID-19 transmission to rural areas. Meanwhile, there are reports of increased deforestation in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Illegal miners and loggers are encroaching on indigenous territories, which could expose remote indigenous communities to the virus. Areas that are economically dependent on tourism face reduced resources as tourism has come to a halt, resulting in a rise in bushmeat (wild meat) consumption in Africa. Meanwhile, illegal mining for gold and precious stones in Latin America and Africa is on the rise, as prices spike and protected areas are left unguarded.

Covid 19 and climate change

From a public health perspective, the climate crisis is increasing the spread of certain diseases and complicating efforts to combat others. Seasonality and weather are two of the major factors that control the rate at which viruses such as the flu infect humans. Although scientists are currently uncertain how climate breakdown will impact the spread of COVID-19, research predicts that rising global temperatures will alter the timing, distribution and severity of future disease outbreak

What do we do

Human health and economic health are inextricably linked to the health of our planet — saving nature is really about saving ourselves. To that end, organizations are working with governments, companies, communities and other organizations to achieve these three essential steps to protect people and planet from emerging viruses and diseases:

1. Conserving nature
Change humanity’s relationship with nature. Ecosystems are designed to be self-regulating, meaning they are built to maintain a balance between species and disease in a very natural way that should not be disturbed. This means leaving animals in their natural habitat and preventing the destruction of those habitats.

2. Slowing deforestation

Land-use change is the No. 1 cause of emergent disease events that involve a virus spreading from animal to human. Tearing down trees does not eliminate the presence of viruses in nature; rather, it encourages the spread of disease. Maintaining healthy ecosystems keeps viruses contained and decreases the chance they will transfer to humans.

3. Stopping the illegal trade

Illegal trade creates incentive for people to capture living animals and transport them to densely populated areas, which significantly increases the risk that pathogens will spread to humans. We must eliminate this incentive by creating alternative livelihoods

Gorvenments and companies also have to come in and play certain roles in this fight.
For instance, Governments must stop rolling back legal protections for the world’s protected areas, as this can accelerate the pace of climate change, eliminate an important source of sustainable livelihoods, and contribute to biodiversity loss and deforestation — two significant drivers of disease outbreaks. Instead of scaling back protected areas, government should seize the opportunity to scale them up.

Governments in countries experiencing a rise in deforestation, illegal mining and poaching urgently need to maintain enforcement efforts, even during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Companies on the other hand must double down on investments in natural climate solutions, which protect and restore critical ecosystems, support climate stability and ecosystem resilience, and help people by increasing their access to income


  1. Nice article. Keeping us informed. Thanks kudos


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