Hello, guys today we will talk about birds. There are many types of birds on the planet.

 All about birds, they can be described as the living being which are characterized by feathers, a beak with no teeth having a metabolic rate, laying hard shelled eggs. They have a four-chambered heart and they are light in weight but they are blessed with a strong skeleton. Take a look at the range of beautiful birds list that we may or may not know of.

. Toucan:

In this list of birds, toucan is one of the beast beautiful bird which belongs to a family of Ramphastidae. This family is closely related to American barbets. The name of this bird is from Portuguese. Toucans mass ranges between 130 g -680 g and its length lie in between 11.5 inches to 29 inches. Their bodies are short and size is comparable to crow. Its tail is rounded and varies in length to the whole body. Its wings are small and neck is thick and short. These birds travel only short distances as they are forest-dwelling birds. Its tongue varies from 14-15 cm which is narrow and grey in colour. It understands taste and is sensitive to it.
Toucan’s lives in sub-tropical and tropical regions and are a native of Central America, Southern Mexico, the northern portion of Caribbean region and South America. As they are arboreal, they lay white eggs from 2-21. These are generally found in pairs. Toucans are omnivores and their prey includes fruits, insects, and small lizards.

2. King Fisher:

Kingfisher belongs to a family of Alcedinidae and has three other families like Alcedinidae, Halcyonidae, and Cerylidae. This beautiful bird belongs to the families that contain river, tree and water kingfishers. There are about 90 species in kingfishers.
Kingfisher has a large head, sharp, long and pointed bills with short legs and stubby tails. Most of the species have plumage with differences in their sexes. These are mostly found in forests in tropical regions. They generally feed on fish and a wide range of prey. They love to live near rivers to eat fish. Their nest will be in cavities, tunnels dug into artificial banks in the ground. A quarter of kingfishers lives in unused termite nests.
The smallest species of kingfisher is African dwarf kingfisher, mass average of 10.4 g and length is 10 cm. Largest kingfisher is a giant kingfisher, its mass average being 355 g and 45 cm in length. The plumage of most kingfishers is bright, in blue and green in colour. Kingfishers have long, dagger-like bill which is used to hunt fish and prey off the ground.
They generally have short legs with four toes, out of which three points in the forward direction. These are carnivores and their prey includes fish, reptiles, and frogs etc. Their eggs are invariably white and glossy. Clutch size varies between species. Each clutch has two eggs. Sometimes they lay 10 and average of 3-6 eggs. Incubation is worked both male and female. Offspring stay with their parents until 3-4 months. Their prey is mostly insects, dragon flies, and bees etc.

3. Swift:

Swift belongs to a family of Apodidae of highly aerial birds. Tree swifts are closely related to true swifts. This family is derived from Greek which means footless. These are aerial birds and are the fastest fliers and flies about 169 km/h. Common swift can cover at least 200,000 km in a single year. Swift has large wing tip bones.
They have a flexibility of changing their angle between wing tip bones and forelimbs to alter the shape and area by maximizing their efficiency and manoeuvrability. The birds even rotate their wings from the base. They live on all continents majorly on oceanic islands. They weigh from 5.4 g- 184 g and measure from 9 cm- 25 cm. in length. The nests of these birds are glued to a vertical surface with saliva. Eggs hatch after 19-23 days and leave within six to eight weeks. These are incubated by both parents.

4. Parrot:

In the types of pet birds, a parrot is one. The scientific name of parrot is Psittaciformes. They belong to a family of Psittacopasserae. These are mostly found in subtropical and tropical regions. There are about 372 species in existence in 86 general. Their size ranges from 3.5 to 40 inches and mass of about 2.25 to 56 ounces. These birds live in groups called flocks and each flock contains about 20 -30 birds.
They are omnivores meaning, they eat nuts, fruit, and insects etc. The clutches of parrot contains only two eggs and the incubation period is about 18-30 days. A newborn parrot is blind for first two weeks. A chick becomes fully mature only by 1- 4 years depending on species. The lifespan of parrot varies from 50- 95 years.

5. Humming Bird:

Hummingbird is a small bird and a family member of Trochilidae. And its scientific name is also Trochilidae. These are the smallest birds which range from 7.5 to 13 cm. These are well known as hummingbirds because when their wings flap, a humming sound is created. They can fly in all directions. Their primary food is tree sap, pollen, insects and flower nectar. Clutch size contains about 1- 3 eggs. Young starts to fly in 18-30 days.
These types of birds are known to add beauty to our environment.

6. Columbidae:

Doves and pigeons are family members of columbidae. There are about 310 species of doves available. These are considered as symbols of love. They weigh about 900 g-2.1 kg. The length of their body ranges for adult male 55 cm, 70 cm for western crowned pigeon and 13-15 cm for the dwarf. Clutch size is about only 1. Its prey includes seed or fruit. They live mostly in tropical nature and woodlands and are adjustable to any nature. Incubation is done by both parents. Male birds make woo-hoo sounds to indicate they are single.

7. Hornbill:

It is a family member of Bucerotidae. These are mostly found in subtropical of Asia, Africa, and Melanesia. Mass of hornbill is up to 6.2 kg and length of the body is in between 1 ft- 3 ft 11 inches. There are about 55 species. They are omnivores, eat fruits and insects. This kind of birds has clutches that contain about six to eight white eggs. During the whole period of nesting, the male brings 24000 fruits for female. A specific feature of this bird is they have eyelashes.

8. Rallidae:

Rallidae belongs to a cosmopolitan family of small to medium-sized birds. This family includes crakes, gallinules, and coots. These are mostly found in terrestrial habitat. These are especially fond of dense vegetation. Their length of body is from 12 cm to 63 cm and mass is about 20 g to 3000 g. These have long necks and they later get compressed. These are flightless during moult period. They lay about 5 to 10 eggs. Clutches have about 15 eggs. They depend on their parents around one month.

9. Spoonbill:

Spoonbill is a white bird and a family member of Thresiornithidae. It is a long-legged wading bird. So far six species are recognized. Its scientific name is Plateinae. These build nest in trees and reed beds. Its clutches have about three smooth white eggs and incubated by both parents. They feed on fishes and insects which come between mandibles. They nest in colonies and flocks.

10. Bee-Eater:

The scientific name of bee-eater is Meropidae and it is a family member of Meropidae. Twenty-Six different species of bee-eater are at present. These are mostly found in Asia, Africa and even some parts of Australia, New Guinea, and Europe. They prey on flying insects, bees etc. One unique character of bee-eater is that before consuming its prey, it removes stinger of the insect. Its clutch contains 2-9 eggs which are white in colour. Their nest is, they burrow dugs into the ground. Incubation of young birds is taken by parents.

11. Grebe:

The scientific name of grebe is Podicipedidae. It belongs to a family of Podicipediformes. These birds generally dive in the fresh water and some visit sea during migration in winter. There are about 22 species and six in general. Its mass varies about 1.7 kg to 120 grams and body length varies from 23.5 cm to 71 cm. Their major source of food is the fish and they catch them by diving in open water.

12. Guinea Fowl:

The scientific name of Guineafowl is Numididae and classified into higher classification of Galliformes. This bird native is at Africa. Guineafowl has dark grey and blackish plumage with dense spots. It measures from 40-71 cm in length and mass consists of 700-1600 grams. These are found in sub-Saharan of Africa. Generally, they feed on insects. But Guineafowl becomes prey for humans in some places of Africa and Italy. Their eggs are richer than chicken eggs.

13. Goose Bird:

The scientific name of Goose is Anserini and a family of Antidae. Mass of a goose is 3.2 -6.5 kg. Their wingspan is 1.3-1.8 m for Canada goose and 1.6-1.8 for swan goose. Clutch size is of about five for Canada goose and 5-6 for swan goose. Lifespan is of 10-24 years. The goose is quite common and features in the types of birds, although it cannot fly high.

14. Woodpecker:

The scientific name is Picidae and belongs to a family of picidae. They mostly live in New Zealand, Australia, Madagascar, New Guinea and extreme Polar Regions. There are about 200 species. Woodpeckers are usually black, red, yellow and white in colour. They can peck 20 times per second. They feed on insects and dead trees. Nest contains 2-5 eggs and the incubation period is about 11-14 days.

15. Penguin:

Scientific name of penguin is Spheniscidae. It belongs to a family of Sphenisciformes. In the water, it can dive at a speed of 6-9 km/h. Its body mass is about 38kg and the height varies accordingly from species; 33 cm for a little penguin, 49 cm for Galapagos penguin and 1.1-1.3 m for emperor penguin. The maximum life span of a penguin is 20 years. This is yet another kind category of types of birds that we don’t see often.

16. Swallow:

The scientific name of a swallow is Hirundinidae. The species found in this family are 83. They breed across the world expect in Antarctica. They migrate to different places in the world. These are insectivorous. Swallow speed is about 30-40 km/h. Mass of the body for an adult is about 10-60 g. Its body length is 10-24 cm. Clutch size is 4-5. The incubation period is shared between species.

17. Passerine:

The scientific name is Passeriformes. A special feature of this bird is an arrangement of toes three pointing forward and another one back. It has more than 110 families. Its weight exceeds 1.5 kg and 70 cm in length. Chicks of passerines are blind, helpless and featherless. Clutches contains a single egg.

18. Heron:

The scientific name is Ardeidae. This beautiful bird belongs to the classification of Pelecaniformes. So far recognized species are 64 in the world. The height of heron is 1.2-1.5 cm. Its wingspan length is 40-58 cm. Mass of heron is 4-5 kg and differs according to species. These are carnivores. They form an umbrella like a canopy to hunt. Their prey includes fishes and crabs etc. They even take peas, grains, corns etc rarely. They lay three to seven eggs. Incubation is taken by both parents.

19. Gull:

The scientific name is Laridae. It is classified into a higher classification of Lari. These are often referred as Seagulls. Majorly found in North Atlantic regions. Mass of body of little is 68- 160 g and adult gull is 1.8 kg. Length of the body is 25-30 cm for little gull adult and 64-79 cm for great black gull adult. The wingspan of each gull is 61-78 cm for little gull and 1.5-1.7 cm for an adult. Clutch size of gull is 1 for a swallow-tailed gull, 2-6 for little gull and 1-3 for great black gull adult. They feed on marine and freshwater lakes fishes and invertebrates. They also drink sea and salt water.

20. Albatross:

The scientific name of albatross is Diomedeidae. It was classified under a higher classification of Procellariiformes. They range in the Southern Ocean and North Pacific. Wingspan reaches up to 12 feet. They feed on crustaceans, fish and cephalopods and offal. Sometimes they take even zooplankton. They lay a single egg with white reddish spots on it. Each egg weighs 200 to 510 g. They breed for every 18 months. This kind of birds creates nests with the help of grass, shrubs, peat, soil and penguin feathers. Incubation is taken by both birds. Chick will be brooded and guarded for three weeks. It can survive up to 50 years.

21. Cuckoo:

In the wild birds names, cuckoo is one and its scientific name is Cuculidae. It is classified under a higher classification of Cuculiformes. There are about 54 species of cuckoo. Cuckoos are mostly found in Asia, Australia, Africa and Europe. They inhibit areas such as meadows, fields, and marshes. Sometimes it even appears in alpine areas. Length of cuckoo reaches to 12.6 to 14.1 and weight up to 2.1 ounces. Males and females can be identified based on their colour. Cuckoo feeds on caterpillars and insects. It lays usually lays 12 -22 eggs per season. The life span of cuckoo is six years. Generally cuckoo stays in Africa for nine months but it never sings. It’s the male cuckoo that sings for us.

22. Peafowl:

Peafowl is otherwise known as the peacock which is treated as a pet and wild bird. There are two Asiatic species blue for Indian peafowl originally from Indian and Sri Lanka, other from Burma which is green in colour. The specific feature of their feather is that it is marked with eye spots. Peacocks are undoubtedly beautiful birds that amaze us.
Crest is seen atop the head of both sexes. Plumage of peafowl is a mixture of brown, green and dull grey. Through vocalization it attracts peahens. Peafowl is omnivores. They eat flower petals, parts of plants, seed heads and insects. Even reptiles, arthropods and amphibians are taken. These are also domesticated. The family of peafowl is called as Bevy. They can fly very high despite their massive trains. Even white peafowl’s can be spotted.

23. Eagle:

In the list of common birds, eagle in one which belongs to a family of Accipitridae. Almost 60 species of eagles are from Africa and Eurasia. Even 14 species are found from Central, South America, North America and Australia. Eagles are known as large powerfully bird of prey with heavy head and beak. Most eagles are larger than vultures. Eyes of eagles are powerful; it has 3.6 times human acuity for marital eagle. Eagles nest are called as eyries and are built on high cliffs and tall trees.
They lay two eggs. They are called as apex predators in the world. Its body mass varies according to its species. Eagles are often divided into four categories: Harpy eagles, booted eagles, snake eagles and fish eagles. Harpy eagles hunt in tropical regions.

24. Moa:

Moa is an extinct New Zealand bird. The scientific name of Moa is Dinornithidae. It is classified under the classification of Ratite. It has two large species named Dionrnis robustus and Dinoris novaezelandiae. Its height reaches about 3.6 m with its neck stretched out. the weight of each Moa can be of 230 kg. These are herbivores. Special nature of Moa is they used to swallow gizzard stones. These stones are smooth. Moa egg size ranges from 120-240 millimeters and 4.7 to 9.4 cm. Incubation is done by the male Moa.

25. Elephant Bird:

The scientific name is Aepyornithidae. These are species from the 17th to 18th century. They once lived on the island of Madagascar. Seven Species were found in elephant bird. Elephant height is 3 m and weight about 350 to 500 kg. It mostly lives in Australia and New Guinea. It is a herbivore and it eggs size is greater than that of an ostrich. The egg’s circumference is about 3 ft and 13 inches long with a capacity of 2 imperial gallons. They are huge and are a special variety of birds.
The very many different types of birds attest how beautiful our ecology is. The birds list above contains all kinds of birds that we know and don’t know of. Some of the different types of birds with pictures and names will help you explore and learn and more about them.
Hope now you are up to date. We will try and draw the birds at least ten.Thank you


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